Tuesday 28 August 2018

Science Experience - Magic Milk

In our science experiment today we poured full cream milk into a bowl. 

Next we  dropped in some food colouring.

We put dishwashing liquid on a cotton bud and touched the milk with it.

There was a fantastic chemical reaction between the soap and the milk's fat. Milk is made up of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. When the soap is added to the milk is breaks apart the protein and the fats. The soap heads for the fats creating the cool bursting of colour. 
When there is no more movement, all the fat molecules have been found. 

Blowing Bubbles- writing experience

This week we headed outside and blew some bubbles. We looked at what happened to the bubbles with the wind, we looked at their shapes, the colours in them and how the sun made reflections and sparkly colours.
We used this learning experience to help us with our writing.

Book Week Mufti Celebration

Wow! the tamariki looked great in their costumes for Book Week. Thank you Ms Maria-Soosai for taking these photos for us as I was away fro...